Birthstones: Everything You Need to Know

Birthstones: Everything You Need to Know

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Have you ever asked yourself why the earth has given us birthstones? Why so many gems? And if so, why do we need them? Yes, gems are used to beautify jewelry; this is an obvious thing. But in addition to jewelry, gems are also used in other way, right? And where does it happen? Gemstones are used in many industries. But did you know that so far we have unearthed around 10,000 gemstone discoveries, including precious gemstones and semi-precious gemstones? But there are some selected minerals that are used more than others, which we also call birthstones.

So why are birthstones so important that they outperform almost 99% of other gemstones? What is so special about them? What are the benefits? What is their history? And how can you wear these gems effectively in your life? Are they made of any special materials? Why are all these gems associated with the month of birth? What, after all, is the relationship between an ordinary month and a stone from the earth? Answers to all these questions can be found here. Read on to know what the secret of birthstones is.

circular design featuring all 12 birthstones, each labeled with its month, surrounded by delicate floral illustrations, with a starry cosmic background and a vintage border

History of the Birthstones: A Short Journey Into the Past

Archaeological surveys reveal that birthstones were used in some of the world's oldest civilizations, including ancient Egypt, the Indus Valley, and China. Before diving into the history of birthstones, it's important to first understand the history of gemstones, since birthstones are, after all, gems.

Brief History of Gemstones 

Gemstones formed alongside the earth itself. Archaeological findings from 2001 suggest that zircon, dating back 4.4 billion years, was the earliest known gemstone—around the same age as the Earth. Interestingly, not all gemstones are of terrestrial origin. Some, like peridots, arrived on Earth through meteorites.

So, when did humans start using gemstones? Before addressing birthstones specifically, let's explore early human interaction with gems. Evidence suggests that the people of the Hindu Kush region (modern-day Afghanistan) were among the first to use minerals, with lapis lazuli being their earliest discovery. 

Additionally, around 4000 BC, Egyptians began wearing jewelry made from lapis lazuli and amethyst. By 3600 BC, the Chinese civilization was utilizing jade, while in India, diamond mining and use began around 300 BC. From this, we can see that the history of gemstones is as ancient as human civilization itself, as though the development of gems and human culture occurred in parallel.

This naturally leads to the next question: how did the use of birthstones begin?

Use of Birthstone: The Beginning

The use of birthstones is mentioned in all the mythological texts of the world. It is very easy to understand that whenever a civilization is born, along with it, religion and beliefs are also born, and then these religions and beliefs change and develop with time. The birthstone is mentioned in all the oldest religious texts in the world today. As you know, Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world. Birthstone has a special significance in this mythological and sacred religion. Rather, the Hindu ancient scholars had developed a whole lore on it, which we call astrology. 

Astrology determines the zodiac sign by calculating which constellation the moon is in at the time of birth. And depending on which planet's relationship with you is not good according to the zodiac, gemstones are determined. While according to modern times, it is fixed gemstones according to the Western months. You can say that astrology has been modernized.


  • Hinduism has a long tradition of associating gemstones with astrology and spiritual well-being. The ancient Hindu texts, including the Navagraha (nine planets) system.


  • The tradition of birthstones also finds its origins in Judaism, particularly in the Book of Exodus. The breastplate worn by Aaron, the high priest of Israel, was adorned with 12 gemstones.


  • Christian traditions regarding birthstones are derived from the Jewish customs, especially the high priest's breastplate. In Christianity, the 12 gemstones were also associated with the 12 apostles and later with the 12 months of the year.

So this must have made it clear to you that birthstones have been in vogue since the development of human civilization. You will be surprised to know that out of so many gems, only four are considered precious, such as diamond, emerald, ruby, and sapphire. All other gems are considered semi-precious. And these four gems are also birthstones. Isn't that funny? By this, you must have understood that our birthstone has some special connection with our lives.

How Birthstone Works: Relation with Month

You want to wear a birthstone, but a question arises in your mind about how the birthstone, which is a solid thing, can be associated with the month, which is the time? Doesn't this seem preposterous? See, if you don't know the science behind it, it will look like superstition. Let's know the relationship between birthstone and time.

Science behind the birthstone/month connection

Although there has been no scientific evidence that the birthstone has any spiritual power, the famous astronomer Carl Sagan did not consider the use of the birthstone to be completely superstitious. "Perhaps we are not advanced enough to understand how the minerals inside gemstones purify energy. One hypothesis is that just as the solar system and everything in the universe are gravitationally bound to each other, so are the planets and constellations around us and eventually time because we move with the time. In such a situation, birthstones bring positive changes in our lives by neutralizing the energy coming from all these space elements.

Psychological connection

Many experts believe that the birthstone produces a placebo effect, which affects your subconscious mind. The placebo effect is a very popular term in psychology, in which the patient is made to feel only positive things. For example, a malaria patient is given vitamin supplements, saying that it is an effective malaria drug. Which will go to his subconscious mind that now he will recover, and using the power of his mind, he actually recovers. 

Wearing a birthstone by understanding it benefits you, actually telling your subconscious mind about what positive changes this jewel brings into your life, according to the famous book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. ”What you think again and again in your unconscious mind will eventually go into your subconscious mind, and things start to happen in your life; it is like a prayer; do it with strong conviction, and things happen in life. That is how birthstone makes you strongly feel that all the good is going to happen in your life, which makes the difference.

Benefits of Wearing Birthstone

Cosmic background with planets and constellations. Center: person wearing their birthstone jewelry. Surround with soft light symbolizing positive energy. Include text highlighting key benefits.

Birthstones show effects according to their month and their overall quality. A high-quality birthstone will definitely make a greater impact and stay charged for a long time. But let us see what the general advantages of these birthstones are. Every birthstone has its own characteristics that can help bring about positive changes in life, such as promoting mental clarity, self-confidence, and a sense of dedication. They are used not only for decoration but are also seen as a kind of source of energy.

  • Enhancing Intuition:

Birthstones are thought to strengthen intuition and enhance one’s ability to connect with their inner self.


  • Emotional Balance:

Many believe that wearing a birthstone helps stabilize emotions, providing a sense of calm and reducing anxiety.


  • Attracting Positive Energy:

Birthstones are often seen as conduits for positive energy, helping to ward off negative influences and promoting a more optimistic outlook.


  • Connection to the Divine:

Wearing a birthstone can enhance one’s spiritual connection, serving as a reminder of one’s life purpose and guiding them on their spiritual journey.


  • Protection:

Some cultures believe that birthstones provide protective qualities, shielding the wearer from harm and misfortune.


  • Fostering Self-Confidence:

By aligning with one’s birthstone, individuals may experience increased self-esteem and confidence in their abilities.


  • Healing Properties:

Different birthstones are associated with various healing properties, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.


  • Strengthening Relationships:

Wearing a birthstone can help foster deeper connections with others, enhancing love and understanding in relationships.

Birthstones for All Twelve Months 

Monthly calendar with birthstones for each month. Dark blue or purple space theme. Birthstones glowing as if illuminated by starlight.

We've learned almost all the essentials about birthstones; now it's time to talk about birthstones by months. Which is your secret birthstone that will bring a positive change in your life? Let's see which birthstone is best suited for you according to your birth month and how it can make your life better.

January Birthstone|Garnet

The birthstone for the month of January is garnet. This is a very beautiful red-colored stone. The name of this stone is derived from the Latin word granatus, which means the grains, because it looks like the pomegranate fruit. Garnet is the stone that can provide a number of  benefits related to love, friendship, life safety, and prosperity. It is also called a Capricorn Birthstone.

Garnet is available in various colors, but for the month of January, it's specifically known as red garnet. red garnet is considered an empowering and inspirational stone for those born in January. Representing the sun, it is believed to provide the qualities that sun possess like kindness with leadership.

Learn more about the January birthstone.

February Birthstone| Amethyst

The birthstone for the month of February is amethyst. Which possesses an amazing-looking purple color. This purple-colored stone is a quartz family member and has different color varieties ranging from violet to light lavender. The gemstone has a rich history that says that this semi precious gemstone was considerably worn by Greeks to stay away from intoxication. That is where the name amethyst came from the Greek word ametusthos, which means free from intoxication. It is considered a symbol of truth, peace, and balance. 

The belief is that amethyst promotes mental clarity and reduces stress, giving its wearers inner peace. In addition, it is also considered to be a stone promoting spiritual growth and awareness. It is a powerful and protective stone for individuals born in February, which helps them face the challenges of life.

Learn more about the February birthstone.

March Birthstone| Aquamarine

The birthstone for the march is aquamarine, which is an eye-catching bluish-green gemstone that matches the color of sea. Because of which it is often associated with the ocean and considered to be an effective talisman for sailors. Aquamarine is the gemstone of courage, friendship, and loyalty that enhances communication skills and clarity in any type of relationship. Because of its attractive and soothing color, it is a good choice for jewelry pieces. Being one of the rare gemstones, its highest quality often becomes expensive, but one has lower quality options as well, which makes it accessible for everyone.

Learn more about March Birthstone.


April Birthstone|Diamond

The birthstone for April is none other than the diamond, renowned as the king of the gemstone world and the most used expensive jewel, admired by any category of people. It is known for its unmatched hardness and brilliance, making it an ideal choice not just for jewelry but for other industries as well., although it has been admired for centuries as the ideal piece for engagement rings. Diamond represents Venus according to Vedic astrology and symbolizes beauty, femininity, love, and creativity. Diamond is the birthstone for people with the zodiac signs of aries and taurus. 

Learn more about April Birthstone.


May Birthstone| Emerald

This beautiful crystal is the birthstone for May. This magnificent green colored- stone is well known for its glittering looks. The emerald, which is admired by many celebrities and well-known people, is frequently linked with the beauty of nature and is believed to shower harmony, vigor, and success on its owners. It is thought to improve mental balance, strengthen intuition, and encourage protection against negative energy. According to Vedic astrology emerald represents planet venus. Emeralds are the representation of love, wisdom, and a strong bond with the Earth for people born in May.

Learn more about May Birthstone.


June Birthstone| Pearl and Alexandrite

The birthstones for the month of June are the pearl and Alexandrite. The pearl is a symbol of purity, wisdom, and serenity. Unlike most gemstones, pearls are organic, which is formed within mollusks, giving them a unique natural beauty and luster. They have been cherished for centuries and often associated with the moon due to their soft, iridescent glow. Pearls are believed to promote calmness, enhance personal integrity, and foster loyalty in relationships. 

They also represent innocence and are often worn to bring peace and balance to the wearer. For those born in June, pearls signify emotional balance, grace, and inner wisdom. Alexandrite is a rare and unique gemstone. It is one of those different gemstones that changes color based on the amount of lightning reflecting upon it.


Learn more about June Birthstone.


July Birthstone| Ruby

The birthstone for the month of July is one of the four precious gemstones, the ruby, that is known for its vibrant red color. It symbolizes passion, love, and courage. Rubies are considered one of the most valuable gemstones, often referred to as the "queen of gems." They are believed to bring good fortune, protect from negative energy, and enhance leadership qualities. Throughout history, rubies have been associated with vitality, energy, and strength. According to Vedic astrology, Ruby represents the mighty sun. For those born in July, the ruby represents deep emotional connections, power, and a zest for life. 

Learn more about July Birthstone.


August Birthstones| Peridot, Spinel, and Sardonyx  

August comes with not one, but three birthstones—Peridot, Spinel, and Sardonyx. Each has its own distinct traits.  

Peridot is famous for its bright green color and is believed to bring strength, luck, and protection for both health and wealth. Wearing peridot is said to bring peace and success.  

Spinel offers a variety of colors, allowing you to pick the one that fits your style. Commonly seen in red, blue, and pink, it’s known for boosting energy and helping you recharge during tough times.  

Sardonyx, with its unique reddish-brown color and white bands, is one of the few opaque stones. It’s linked to courage, happiness, and improving communication skills.  

Discover more about August’s birthstones.

September Birthstone| Sapphire  

Sapphire, the birthstone for September, is known for its deep blue shade. But it doesn’t stop there—it also comes in pink, yellow, and green. Sapphires have long stood for wisdom, loyalty, and nobility. They’ve been worn to protect against harm and envy and were even linked to royalty. Connected to the planet Saturn, sapphire is believed to bring prosperity and good luck.  

Explore more about September’s sapphire.

October Birthstones| Tourmaline and Opal  

October offers two birthstones: Tourmaline and Opal. Opal is special for its color-shifting effect in the light, similar to alexandrite. Often mistaken for a pearl, it reflects vibrant colors and is said to boost creativity, productivity, and imagination, making it a favorite among artists.  

Tourmaline comes in a wide range of colors, from pink and green to blue and black. Each color has its own qualities—pink for love, green for prosperity. Its wide range makes tourmaline a popular choice for both everyday and statement pieces.  

Find out more about October’s tourmaline and opal.

November Birthstones| Topaz and Citrine  

November brings two powerful stones—Topaz and Citrine. Topaz, often found in golden yellow, is said to strengthen the mind and improve creativity and wisdom. It also comes in colors like blue, pink, and clear, each with its own significance.  

Citrine, known for its vibrant yellow to brownish-orange color, is associated with positivity, success, and abundance. Often called the "merchant’s stone," it’s believed to attract wealth and happiness, making it a go-to for those seeking motivation and clarity.  

Learn more about November’s topaz and citrine.

December Birthstones| Turquoise and Zircon  

December gives us Turquoise, Zircon, and Topaz. Turquoise is an ancient stone linked to honesty and loyalty, while Topaz symbolizes happiness and love. Zircon, known for its variety of colors, is believed to bring energy and prosperity. These stones are not only beautiful but are also thought to provide mental and spiritual benefits.  

Explore more about December’s birthstones.

Wrap Up

So far, we have covered almost all the important things about birthstones in this article. Hopefully, your questions have been answered about what the history of birthstones is, why they are worn, how they work, and which stone is suggested for which month. If you want to know all the information about all the stones in detail, then you can read all the articles one by one by clicking on the given link, because it may be a little difficult to cover all the information in a single article about all the stones. We hope you have a good experience with your birthday stones. 


How birthstones are determined?

Many cultures originally assigned a specific gemstone to signify birth during each sign of the zodiac, but over time this tradition has been shifted from the zodiac to calendar months. Birthstones have their roots in ancient astrology, and there have been many birthstone lists used over the years.

From where can i buy birthstone?

How affective your birthstone is depends upon how qualitative and original it is; therefore, if you are thinking about buying one for you, then it is recommended to acquire it from reliable sources that have been approved by GIA.

Which birthstones are not mineral?

Pearl is the only birthstone which is not mineral.